Adprep.exe  is a command-line tool that updates permissions as necessary to prepare a forest and domain for a domain controller that runs the Windows Server® 2008 operating system. (

Joining a server to a domain is similar to joining a workstation to a domain. Only the last step is necessary to join any system to the domain, joining a server that will have any roles will need the the other steps performed.

The steps below will configure the following:

  1. a static IP address
  2. a subnet mask
  3. a default gateway
  4. primary DNS
  5. secondary DNS
  6. joining the domain

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol to ensure secure transactions between web servers and browsers. This is important because the information you send on the Internet is passed across several computers until it reaches the destination server. Any computer between you and the server has the ability to see all traffic being sent. SSL protects your sensitive information by encrypting data so that only the intended recipient can understand it.

At times, users of SharePoint may experience issues that would cause them to have dificulties using the search feature. I found this Microsoft article ( ) that mentions the exact problem, but the changes it recommends are already implemented. In a situation I've encountered, I checked to make sure that the SharePoint Server Search V14 service is running. This service was restarted, and searches still return blank. In this Microsoft article ( ) it mentions steps on how to reset the content index. This maybe a good option if the index was somehow corrupted, but I was unsure what impact will this have on users that are currently connected.

( Delete a content index On the Site Settings page, in the Search Settings and Indexed Content section, click Configure search and indexing. On the Configure Search and Indexing page, in the Content Indexes section, click Manage content indexes. On the Manage Content Indexes page, point to the content index name, and then click the arrow that appears. On the menu that appears, click Delete. On the confirmation message box that appears, click OK.

( To reset the content index Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a service application administrator for the Search service application for which you want to reset the content index. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, in the Application Management section, click Manage service applications. On the Manage Search Applications page, click the Search service application for which you want to reset the content index. On the Search Service Application: Search Administration page, in the Quick Launch, in the Crawling section, click Index Reset. On the Search Service Application: Index Reset page, verify that the Deactivate search alerts during reset check box is checked, and then click Reset Now. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click OK to confirm the content index reset. The Search Service Application: Search Administration page opens and the System Status is displayed. Perform a full crawl.

Data about your computer is sent to the web server via a user agent. The agent sends all types of information, but none of it is personally identifiable information (PII). When a user requests a web page with a browser, the browser transmits information about the user’s computer operating system as well as information about the browser itself.

Web analytics is useful when measuring your advertising ROI. The reports can also be used to monitor the traffic your site is generating, and whether or not a site's pages are working properly. The marketing team has the data necessary to modify advertising campaigns to meet their target audience, and see which areas of their site is popular. Web analytic software provide administrators with data that can be used to create a better user experience for their site viewers. These reports answer the who, what, and where questions on your site viewers. Many analytics tools have the ability to create reports like top pages that appear in searches, percentage of viewers that are new compared to old, and percentage of views from various countries. These reports are generated using information via your web browser and your Internet Service Provider (ISP).


X Error503

User reported that SharePoint is not sending out alerts, and the alert configurations within SharePoint appear to be correct. When I try to bring up SharePoint Central Administration, I get the lovely 503 Service Unavailable banner. Some of my clients live and die by these SharePoint alerts, so getting them back up is critical. Not to mention that if something is causing the Central Administration to not come up, what else is going on?


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